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JCalendar 1.3.2
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© Kai Toedter 1999 - 2006
Version 1.3.2

JCalendar is a Java date chooser bean for graphically picking a date. JCalendar is composed of several other Java beans, a JDayChooser, a JMonthChooser and a JYearChooser. All these beans have a locale property, provide several icons (Color 16x16, Color 32x32, Mono 16x16 and Mono 32x32) and their own locale property editor. So they can easily be used in GUI builders. Also part of the package is a JDateChooser, a bean composed of an IDateEditor (for direct date editing) and a button for opening a JCalendar for selecting the date.

What's new in version 1.3.2
- Many bug fixes (thanks to all forum posters)
- Min/Max selectable dates now in the date editor interface
- Improvements regarding property change listeners (better null date support)
- New method "cleanup" in JDateChooser

- UI & Look & Feel improvements (especially Windows L&F)
- JCalendar supports a date range of selectable dates
- JDayChooser can now limit the number of characters in day Names (e.g. Mo instead of Mon)
- Many bug fixes (thanks to all forum posters)
- Better handling of null dates in JDateChooser
- Introduction of the interface IDateEditor
- JTextFieldDateEditor (the default editor) supports custom date patterns and masks
- JSpinnerDateEditor is an implemantation of IDateEditor based on a JSpinner
- JDateChooser Table editor (including table demo)
- Both the zip and the jar files contain the version in the name, e.g. jcalendar-3.1.0.jar
- Bug in DateChooser.setModel fixed (thanks to Martin Pietruschka)
- NullPointer exception bug on DateChooser.setDate fixed (thanks to Aleksey Gureev and others).
- JDateChooser bug fixed (sometimes the date was 1 day ahead of the selected date, many thanks
   to Mark Brown and all the others who reported this bug).
- JDateChooser improvements for better usability in persistence frameworks like Oracle's ADF/BC4J
   (thanks to Mark Brown).
- Many small improvements and bug fixes, thanks to many comments of JCalendar users
- A new JDateChooser bean, which allows to be used as an editable date field and a calendar image,    that pops up a JCalendar for choosing the date.
- An optional "week of year" panel in JDayChooser
- Better customization of most beans
- Improvements in all BeanInfos
- Bundling with my favorite Look and Feel: JGoodies Looks (www.jgoodies.com)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. If you like and use it, just let me know. If you find any errors or things you don't like, please contact Kai Toedter.


The installation is very easy, just put jcalendar.jar in your class path. If you want to run the JCalendar demos (see below) or just use the great JGoodies Looks Look and Feel, put also looks-1.3.2.jar in your class path. Both are in the lib directory of this JCalendar distribution.

Running the Demos

To run the JCalendar demo applet in your browser, you must have installed the Java Plug-in. Click here to run the applet. If you have the distribution installed locally on your computer, there's several ways to run the demos. To start the JCalendar demo Windows XP/2000/NT/98 users can just right click the jcalendar.jar and open it with "javaw" or execute the "runJCalendarDemo.bat" batch file in the bin directory of this distribution. For all other operating systems, just put "jcalendar.jar" and looks-1.3.2.jar (both in the lib directory of the distribution) in your class path and start Java to execute the com.toedter.calendar.JCalendarDemo class.

The following table shows a list of used components (all Java Beans). All the screen shots use the great Plastic 3D Look and Feel (included in JGoodies Looks by JGoodies), which is bundled with the JCalendar bean.


All beans use JFC (Swing) components, so you need to have the Java SE installed. For more information and the latest release of the JFC take a look at http://www.javasoft.com/products/jfc/index.html. All beans also work with Java SE 1.4.x and 5.

Download and Latest Version
You can download a zip file, containing all the sources, libs and documentation at www.toedter.com/download/jcalendar-1.3.2.zip (600 KB). Version 1.2.2 is still available at www.toedter.com/download/jcalendar-1.2.2.zip. Version 1.1.4 is still available at www.toedter.com/download/jcalendar-1.1.4.zip. Version 1.1.4 works with J2SDK 1.2 and 1.3, since it does not use JSpinner.

API Documentation
The complete API documentation is generated with JavaDoc. The API documentation is available with frames or without frames.

This bean won first prize in the beans contest of the International Java Club. JCalendar was rated top25% by JARS (, 856 out of 1000).

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