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 <title>Image puzzle</title>

 <style type="text/css">
  You can remove these four options
  font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif;
  border:10px outset #CCCCCC;
  color: #FFFFFF;
  background-color: #707070;
  width: 520px; /* IE 5.x */
  width/* */:/**/500px; /* Other browsers */
  width: /**/500px; 
  height: 520px; /* IE 5.x */
  height/* */:/**/500px; /* Other browsers */
  height: /**/500px;   

 #puzzle_container .square{
  border-left:1px solid #FFF;
  border-top:1px solid #FFF;

  border:1px solid #FF0000;
 <script type="text/javascript">
 (C) www.dhtmlgoodies.com, September 2005
 You are free to use this script as long as the copyright message is kept intact
 Alf Magne Kalleland
 var puzzleImages = ['images/image1.jpg','images/image2.jpg','images/image3.gif','images/image4.gif','images/image5.jpg','images/image6.jpg','images/image7.gif','images/image8.gif','images/image9.jpg']; // Array of images to choose from
 var rows = 3;
 var cols = 4;
 var imageArray = new Array();
 var imageInUse = false;
 var puzzleContainer;
 var activeImageIndicator = false;
 var activeSquare = false;  // Reference to active puzzle square
 var squareArray = new Array(); // Array with references to all the squares

 var emptySquare_x;
 var emptySquare_y;
 var colWidth;
 var rowHeight;
 var gameInProgress = false;
 var revealedImage = false;
 for(var no=0;no<puzzleImages.length;no++){
  imageArray[no] = new Image();
  imageArray[no].src = puzzleImages[no]; 
 function initPuzzle()
  gameInProgress = false;
  var tmpInUse = imageInUse;
  imageInUse = imageArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * puzzleImages.length)];
  if(imageInUse==tmpInUse && puzzleImages.length>1)
   puzzleContainer = document.getElementById('puzzle_container');
 function getImageWidth()
 function scramble()
  gameInProgress = true;
  var currentRow = cols-1;
  var currentCol = rows-1;
  for(var no=0;no<rows;no++){
   for(var no2=0;no2<cols;no2++){
    if(no<rows.length || no2<cols.length){
     var el = document.getElementById('square_' + no2 + '_' + no);
      el.style.left = (no2 * colWidth) + (no2) + 'px';
      el.style.top = (no * rowHeight) + (no) + 'px'; 
  var lastPos=false;
  var countMoves = 0;
   var dir = Math.floor(Math.random()*4);
   var readyToMove = false;
   if(dir==0 && currentRow>0 && lastPos!=1){ // Moving peice down
    currentRow = currentRow-1; 
    readyToMove = true;
   if(dir==1 && currentRow<(rows-1) && lastPos!=0){ // Moving peice up
    currentRow = currentRow+1;
    readyToMove = true;
   if(dir==2 && currentCol>0 && lastPos!=3){  // Moving peice right
    currentCol = currentCol -1;
    readyToMove = true;
   if(dir==3 && currentCol<(cols-1) && lastPos!=2){  // Moving peice right
    currentCol = currentCol + 1;
    readyToMove = true;
    activeSquare = document.getElementById('square_' + currentCol + '_' + currentRow);
    lastPos = dir;
 function gameFinished()
  var string = "";

  var squareWidth = colWidth + 1;
  var squareHeight = rowHeight + 1;  
  var squareCounter = 0;
  var errorsFound = false;
  var correctSquares = 0;
  for(var prop in squareArray){
   var currentCol = squareCounter % cols;
   var currentRow = Math.floor(squareCounter/cols);
   var correctLeft = currentCol * squareWidth;
   var correctTop = currentRow * squareHeight;
   if(squareArray[prop].style.left.replace('px','') != correctLeft || squareArray[prop].style.top.replace('px','') != correctTop){
  if(correctSquares == ((cols * rows) -1)){
   document.getElementById('messageDiv').innerHTML = '<h2>Fantastic! You did it !!</h2>';
   gameInProgress = false;
   document.getElementById('messageDiv').innerHTML = 'Currently, you have ' + correctSquares + ' out of ' + ((cols * rows) -1) + ' pieces placed correctly';
 var currentOpacity = 0;
 function revealImage()
  var obj = document.getElementById('revealedImage');
  obj.style.display = 'block';
  currentOpacity = currentOpacity +2;
   obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+currentOpacity+')';
   obj.style.opacity = currentOpacity/100;
 function displayActiveImage()
   activeImageIndicator = document.createElement('DIV');
   activeImageIndicator.className = 'activeImageIndicator';
   activeImageIndicator.onclick = moveImage;
  activeImageIndicator.style.left = this.offsetLeft +  'px';
  activeImageIndicator.style.top = this.offsetTop + 'px';
  activeImageIndicator.style.width = this.style.width;
  activeImageIndicator.style.height = this.style.height;
  activeImageIndicator.innerHTML = '<span></span>';
  activeSquare = this;
 function moveImage(e,fromShuffleFunction)
  if(!gameInProgress && !fromShuffleFunction){
   alert('You have to shuffle the cards first');
  var currentLeft = activeSquare.style.left.replace('px','') /1;
  var currentTop = activeSquare.style.top.replace('px','') /1;
  var diffLeft = Math.round((currentLeft - emptySquare_x) / colWidth);
  var diffTop = Math.round((currentTop - emptySquare_y) / rowHeight); 
  if(((diffLeft==-1 || diffLeft==1) && diffTop==0) || ((diffTop==-1 || diffTop==1) && diffLeft==0)){ // Moving right
   activeSquare.style.left = emptySquare_x + 'px';
   activeSquare.style.top = emptySquare_y + 'px';
   emptySquare_x = currentLeft;
   emptySquare_y = currentTop; 
   activeSquare = false; 
   if(activeImageIndicator)activeImageIndicator.style.display = 'none';
 function startPuzzle()
  puzzleContainer.innerHTML = '';

  var subDivs = puzzleContainer.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
  for(var no=0;no<subDivs.length;no++){
  activeImageIndicator = false;
  squareArray.length = 0;

   var obj = document.getElementById('revealedImage');
  var revealedImage = document.createElement('DIV');
  var img = document.createElement('IMG');
  img.src = imageInUse.src;
  colWidth = Math.round(imageInUse.width / cols)-1;
  rowHeight = Math.round(imageInUse.height / rows)-1;

  puzzleContainer.style.width = colWidth * cols + (cols * 1) + 'px';
  puzzleContainer.style.height = rowHeight * rows + (rows * 1) + 'px';
  if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('5.')>=0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0){
   puzzleContainer.style.width = colWidth * cols + (cols * 1) + 20 + 'px';
   puzzleContainer.style.height = rowHeight * rows + (rows * 1) + 20 + 'px';   
   revealedImage = document.createElement('DIV');
   revealedImage.innerHTML = '';
  for(var no=0;no<rows;no++){
   for(var no2=0;no2<cols;no2++){
    if(no2==cols-1 && no==rows-1){
     emptySquare_x = (no2 * colWidth) + (no2); 
     emptySquare_y = (no * rowHeight) + (no); 
    var newDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
    newDiv.id = 'square_' + no2 + '_' + no;
    newDiv.onmouseover = displayActiveImage;
    newDiv.onclick = moveImage;
    newDiv.className = 'square';
    newDiv.style.width = colWidth + 'px';
    newDiv.style.height = rowHeight + 'px'; 
    newDiv.style.left = (no2 * colWidth) + (no2) + 'px';
    newDiv.style.top = (no * rowHeight) + (no) + 'px';
    newDiv.setAttribute('initPosition',(no2 * colWidth) + (no2) + '_' + (no * rowHeight) + (no));
    var img = new Image();
    img.src = imageInUse.src;
    img.style.position = 'absolute';
    img.style.left = 0 - (no2 * colWidth) + 'px';
    img.style.top = 0 - (no * rowHeight) + 'px';
 window.onload = initPuzzle;
<a href="#" onclick="scramble();return false">Scramble</a> | <a href="#" onclick="initPuzzle();return false">New image</a> |
<form style="display:inline">
 Columns/Rows: <input type="text" value="4" onblur="var no = this.value.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');if(no/1<3){ this.value = '3';no=3; };cols=no" maxlength="1" size="2"> x
<input type="text" value="3" onblur="var no = this.value.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');if(no/1<2){ this.value = '2';no=2; };rows=no" maxlength="1" size="2"></form>
<div id="puzzle_container">
Please wait - initializing script

<div id="messageDiv"></div>
<p><i>Shuffle, then click to move the pieces</i></p>
<p><a href="/scripts/image_puzzle/image_puzzle.zip">Download this script</a></p>


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