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PHP-Egg (äÆÃ) V 1.2b
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Untar the file.

Once you have untared the file change directories to php_eggbeta

you will find an php_egg.sql in the root of this directory you will need
to upload it to mysql.


mysql -u -p < php_egg.sql

you will be prompted for a password. If it comes back with no errors you
know it worked there is no conferm msg that the database was uploaded

Now for the files.

in there you will see you have two directores.
source - This is the coded for PHP-Egg its self.
web - This is all the webpages used to adminadstrate PHP-Egg.

go into the source dir. open php_egg.php

magic_word - is what you will msg the bot the first time this is
how the bot knows that you are its owner.

You will need to give some information on the database.
hostname- most of the time this is localhost
database_login - your login to the database
database_pass - your password to the database
database_name - your database name

egg nick.

irc_nick - the nick you want the bot to use when it is on irc.
irce_alt_nick - an alternate nick for the bot to use in the event
that irc_nick is taken


ident for the bot is the first part of the hostmask.

this is the host that you will be connecting to irc from
you may use your ip.


this is the name of the bot or just something fun to put
for your whois


this is the message the bot will use when it quits from irc

irc server group.

PHP-Egg comes with over 216 difrent server groups with over 387 servers
in those groups with 2192 over the difrent ports.
a complete list of the curnt servers can be found in the main
dir for php_egg server_groups.txt




the source dir of PHP-Egg may live where ever you wish. But the Web dir
must live in your webdirectory. go into the web dir and open database.
inc.php you will need to give your database information again.

once this is done you are ready to start php_egg

go back to the source dir. type

php php_egg.php &

if you get a msg that it cant find php. try doing

whereis php

most of the time it is in /usr/local/bin/php

if this is not the case then use your path

php_egg.php &

if you cant find php any where. The problem may be that you have
php curntly running as a cgi module compiled into apache. you will
need to compile a new shell version of php before you can run php_egg


once you have php egg started if you put a & at the end you may use
cntrl + c and the shell will come back to you. php egg should run quiet
we have removed all of the echo debuging messages as we could find
in beta test.

now that she is running she will go out and join irc. put her on notice
or something so you know when she comes online.


once she comes on line msg her your magic word


the default magic word if you did not change it is HELLO! note even if
you did change it the magic word is case sensitive so HeLlO is difrent
from hello.

If she ketchs it she will msg you back

Hello master, What may i do to assist you?
Please msg me PASSWORD to set your password.

do as she asks and set a password untill you set the password you cant
get into the admin webpages to do anything kewl with her.

New password set.

now go to the web dir (FROM YOUR WEB DIR).

index.php should load by its self and give you a nice login screen.

your user name is the same as your nick was on irc when you msg``ed the
bot and the password is the one you just sent to her.

login go into PHP-Egg channels and add a new channel.

the bot should join the channel shortly if she doesnt msg her something
and she will pick up the new chan.

check www.kill-9.dk often for updates on the documentation for PHP-Egg
we will be making documentation for the admin web pages over the next
few days.

my only waring is watch out what modules you remove some are required by
the system if you dont want the help functions you may remove the help
module. this will stop the help from being avalable in your channes.

dont for example remove the die module then you wont be able to stop
the bot with out hard killing it.

good luck with your php_egg

bug reports can be made at .

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