ToziBoard is Free open source, you can ues, modify and re-distribute it.
!!but!! You should display tozigy``s License.
You can use it for anything, at everywhere.
2. requirement..
PHP4, Mysql <-- (*) Mysql account is really need!
3. installation..
1. unpack the compression file and upload files.
2. edit "inc/" file suitable for your server.
3. If your server is Linux OS, change the "data"``s permission to 766 or 777 or 706.
"data" folder is storage room of attach files.
4. ues "create_table.php" file and make DATAbase table(new bbs).
ex) create_table.php?board=bbsname (<-- after make a new bbs, delete it because of security)
5. type "./skin/xmms/list.php?board=bbsname" in your browser.
4. history..
ver 0.9
make just simple bbs.
ver 1.0
add guestbook skin. fix some bugs.
ver 1.2
add diary skin. add facial icons function to guestbook.
ver 1.5
strengthen bbs``s function.
ver 1.6
*.inc file change to *.inc.php. add opinion function. fix create_table.php file.
ver 1.7
add html selection function for bbs.
ver 1.7.5
fix bugs.
ver 1.7.7
fix bugs, javascript, css.
add bbs2 skin.
ver 1.7.8
fix paging function.
fix diary, guest bugs.