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Here you can specify the text color, link colors, $bodyspec = "BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"
TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#0000FF" ALINK="#FF0000" BACKGROUND=""";
# Choose your Administration »ç¿ëÀÚ ID $adminlogin = "admin"; # Choose your Administration
ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£ $adminpass = "4321"; # Choose your Administration E-mail address # Be sure
to place a backslash before the @ symbol. # The backslash is required by Perl.
# Example: youraddress@yourhost.com $from_email_address = "jewelrex@jewelrex.com";
# If you are using Sendmail (most Unix servers do) # be sure to type set this
variable to: # $mailusing = sendmail # If you are using Sockets SMTP mail, set
this variable to: # $mailusing = sockets $mailusing = sendmail ; # If you are
using Sendmail, type the full directory path # to your Sendmail here. # Example:
$mailprog = "/usr/bin/sendmail"; # If you are using Sockets(SMTP) mail, leave
this blank: # Example: $mailprog = ""; $mailprog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; # Auction
Weaver will check to make sure your above # $mailprog path is correct. Every once
in a while, # the server will say the path you have given is incorrect # when
it is actually correct. If you receive an Incorrect # Path error message on the
screen, and you re SURE the path # is corect, place a 1 between the quotes below
# Example $mailprog_ok "1"; # Otherwise, do not edit this variable. $mailprog_ok
= ""; # If you use the Sockets mail routine, you ll need to define # an SMTP mail
server path here. # Example: $smtp_addr = "mail.kornet.net"; $smtp_addr = "";
# the data_path is the directory path to the directory where you would like #
your Auction Weaver data files stored. # A protected directory would be advisable.
# Example: $data_path = "/full/directory/path/to/data"; # where "data" is a directory
you have created. # Leave it empty for default settings or add your own path here.
$data_path = "/home/jewelrex/auctionl/aw/data"; # Leave it empty for NO templates.
If you wish to use your own e-mail templates, # use the ones provided with the
Auction Weaver .zip file. DO NOT alter the # actual template file names, but feel
free to modify the contents of each file, # then upload those templates to the
directory name you provide here. # If you leave this path blank, Auction Weaver
will include its own pre-defined # e-mails in place of the template e-mails. $email_templates_dir
= "/home/jewelrex/auctionl/aw/email"; # ALTERNATING TABLE COLORS @colors = ( #CCFFFF , #CCFFCC );
# If you wish Auction Weaver to maintain an archieve of "Closed Auctions", be
# sure to keep this set to "1", which is the default setting. # Otherwise, remove
the 1 or replace it with a 0 (Zero). # Example: $keep_closed_auctions = ""; $keep_closed_auctions
= "1"; # If you would like your users to register prior to allowing them # the
ability to post a new item, leave this default setting of "1". # If you would
like to give anyone the ability to post items or bids # without registering, remove
the "1" from between the quotes or # replace it with a "0". # Example: $require_user_reg
= ""; $require_user_reg = "1"; # If you would like to set a maximum time that
any auction # remains active, after the most recent bid, set the number # of minutes
here. For example, a user might post an item for # bid and set a 365 day auction.
You, the administrator, might # not want any auction available that long. Here
you can set # the number of minutes after the most recent bid before the # auction
closes. # Example - for 1 day, set 1440 minutes: $howmany = "1440"; $howmany =
"14400"; # If you have problems with FILE LOCKING (example: Win95/98 servers)
# set this to 0 (Zero), otherwise, leave the default value of "1". $flock = "1";
# Place the name of your website here. $sitename = "JEWELREX °æ¸Å"; # You shouldn t
need to modify this path. If, however, your server # does not give this information
to Auction Weaver, you may have # to set the path manually. Your server path would
appears something # like: $server_name = "www.jewelrex.com"; # If you need to
set this variable manually, do not use an http:// # in the $server_name variable.
$server_name = "";
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