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1Installation of phpWebSite
This document assumes you have a working web server that
meets all the requirements listed in ./docs/REQUIREMENTS.txt.
1. Untar or unzip the phpWebSite archive into your web directory
   (Ex: /var/www/html/):
     tar -xzf phpWebSite-x.x.x.tar.gz (for *nix/linux systems)
     which ever graphcal tool you use in windows (Ex: WinAce, Winzip)
2. Set the permissioning on your phpWebSite code base for setup using
   the scripts provided in the ./setup/ directory (secure_phpws.sh or
   NONROOT_secure_phpws.sh).  This step is only for *nix/linux systems,
   currently there are no scripts for windows, security is left up to
   the user.
   If you have root access to the webserver run:
       cd ./setup/
       ./secure_phpws.sh setup
   You may need to edit the script if apache does not run as apache:apache.
   This can be changed at the top of the script.
   Else run:
       cd ./setup/
       ./NONROOT_secure_phpws.sh setup
   If you cannot run these scripts, you need the following permissions to run
   the setup (changing the ownership to that of the web server is more secure
   than simply changing the mode to 777):
       chmod 777 -R ./images/
       chown apache -R ./images/
       chgrp apache -R ./images/     
       chmod 777 -R ./files/
       chown apache -R ./files/
       chgrp apache -R ./files/
       chmod 777 -R ./conf/
       chown apache -R ./conf/
       chgrp apache -R ./conf/
       chmod 777 .htaccess
       chown apache .htaccess
       chgrp apache .htaccess
3. Skip to step (4) if you are running on a *nix/linux system.  If you are
   installing phpWebSite on a Windows system you will need to edit the file
   "./core/Core.php". At the top of the file simply comment out the first ini_set
   line and uncomment the second ini_set line.
   ini_set("include_path", ".:".PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR."lib/pear/");
   //ini_set("include_path", ".;".PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR."lib\\pear\\");
   //ini_set("include_path", ".:".PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR."lib/pear/");
   ini_set("include_path", ".;".PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR."lib\\pear\\");  
   NOTE: *nix/Linux and Windows
   If you get persistent PEAR or DB errors read docs/PEARERRORS.txt
4. Open you browser to www.yourdomain.edu/setup/.  Once this page has loaded,
   you will be prompted to create a configuration file.  Make sure that you have
   an empty database created to install to before you continue with this step.
   The information you will need to enter here is as follows:
       Database type - The type of database you are connecting to.
          (mysql, postgre, etc.)
       Database host: The database host you are connecting to, usually localhost.
          (localhost, sql.myhost.edu, etc.)
       Database username: The username you want to connect to your database as. This
       user must have full access to the phpWebSite database.
          (root, joe, etc.)
       Database password: The password for the username you specified.
          (youwish, youhad, mypassword, etc.)
       Database name: The name of the database to store phpWebSite tables in.
          (phpwebsite, mydatabase, yourdatabase, someotherdatabase, etc.)
       Table prefix: This is a prefix to append to all tables for this phpWebSite
       installation.  This is used if you are installing multiple instances of
       phpWebSite into the same database. (Leave this blank if you are unsure.)
       Web Address: The actual web address to your phpWebSite site. DO NOT add http://
       to this variable!!!
       File Address: The path on your webserver to the phpWebSite source files.
       Note: the command 'pwd' will give the path to where you are on a *nix system.
       Hub Hash: This is used for site security purposes.  Make sure it is as random
       as possible. A random hash is automagically generated for you each time the
       setup script is run.  If you do not like the hash that was generated, enter your
       Install Password: The password to be used to access installation, conversion, and
       upgrade features within phpWebSite.  You will be asked for this password further into
   Once this information is entered, select the 'Create Config File' button to create your
   config file and continue with the installation. 
5. The next page will give you a confirmation that your config file has been written. Be
   sure to read over this and make sure everything went smoothly. If your conf/ directory
   does not have write as described in section 2 you will need to save the file, name it
   config.php and put it in you conf/ directory.  Select the 'here' link to continue to
   the actual installation.
6. Now that your config file is written, you can actually install the phpWebSite tables into
   the database you specified previously.  Enter your installation password (the one you just
   specified) and select the 'Continue' button.
7. You are now presented with the 'Create Login Account' page. The account you choose to
   create here will be the default administrative account for your phpWebSite installation.
   DO NOT FORGET THIS LOGIN!!  There is no default administrative login created when
   phpWebSite is installed, so if you lose your login, you will have to re-install phpWebSite.
   Enter the login information and select 'Create' to create your login and continue with
   the installation.
8. Now you can select which modules you would like to have installed by default. Note: the
   modules listed are not critical to the running of phpWebSite.  You can select as many or
   as few as you wish. Once you have selected your modules, select the 'Install Modules' button
   to install those modules and continue with the installation.  If you do not wish to install
   any extra modules, and only want the core functionality of phpWebSite, select the 'Core Only'
   button to install only the phpWebSite core modules.  Extra modules can be installed or
   uninstalled at any time after installation (see Boost module).
9. Now confirmation messages are shown.  These messages tell how the core installation went and
   each module installation went.  Scroll through these messages and make sure everything went
   smoothly.  If the directories images/ and files/ did not have write access during the install
   you will get messages that the directories could not be created.  You will need to create these
   by hand and give the webserver write permissions to them or else the modules you installed will
   not be able to upload any files to the server.  If you wish to retain a log of your installation,
   simply save the page.  Select the 'Go to my installation' link at the bottom of this page to go
   to your installation.
    Set the permissioning on your phpWebSite code base for run time using the scripts provided in the
    ./setup/ directory (secure_phpws.sh or NONROOT_secure_phpws.sh). This will ensure that your
    configuration data remains private and secure.  Once again these scripts are only for *nix/linux
    If you have root access to the webserver run:
       cd ./setup/
       ./secure_phpws.sh run yourusername yourgroup
    Else run:
       cd ./setup/
       ./NONROOT_secure_phpws.sh run
    If you cannot run these scripts, you need the following permissions to run
    the setup (changing the ownership to that of the web server is more secure
    than simply changing the mode to 777):
       chmod 744 -R ./conf/
       chmod 777 -R ./conf/branch/
       chown youruser -R ./conf/
       chgrp yourgroup -R ./conf/
       chown apache -R ./conf/branch/
       chgrp apache -R ./conf/branch/
11. This step is not required.  Extra security percussions for phpwebsite can be taken but
    removing all code related to setup.  Your setup is password protected but remember
    if the code is not there, than it can not be used/exploited. Once you have completed
    the setup the ./setup directory is unneeded, you can remove it completely or remove
    public permissions on it. A new copy of ./setup will shipped in all packages, so you
    will be able to upgrade later.
    Note:  The setup directory is necessary and should not be deleted if you are planning to
    install branches on your site.
12. You are now finished with the installation!  You can login using the username and password you
    provided during installation.  Enjoy!!
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